Friday, June 15, 2007

New Books

There are lots of new books at the Hawarden Public Library. Make sure you come and check them out. I am reading "In His Feathers" right now. This is a remarkable journal of a woman who had ovarian cancer. This was recommended by one of our book club members.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

An Interesting Read

If you like contemporary biographies, try this one-- "Paula Deen--a Memoir--It Ain't All About the Cookin'". Paula Deen, of the Food Network, has lived an interesting and eventful life. She is very candid about her life. I found the book relaxing, humorous, and enjoyable. It is a fast read.
I read it in an evening. If you like Paula's tv show, you will like the book. Paula's life has been one of up's and down's and right now it is definitely on the upswing.

Sunday, June 3, 2007


Attention: (Especially book discussion members) What are you reading? Share your thought and comments. Looking forward to hearing from you.


If you read THE KITE RUNNER, make sure to read the latest work by this author A THOUSAND SPLENDID SUNS. Author Khaled Hossenini takes us into the lives of two women brought together through marriage to the same man. The setting is in Afghanistan during the last thirty years. You will be surprised by the brutality, the struggles to survive, and the innate desire for happiness. This is a great book for discussion.